Conceptual Package Post-Mordem / by Maya Pruitt

Our presentation went well and validated our current concepts! There was some concern that we were being too ambitious, but we feel up for the challenge. Our biggest decision was to focus mainly on the AR rock wall for this course. (The VR could be a possible side project for Dylan and I in our other VR-based class)

Below was some feedback we received:

Re: Conceptual Package Presentation 3/7/2019
General feedback for all groups: 
  • Think about spatial design, creating transformative moments (soundscape)
  • Creating a narrative journey/cumulative installations vs. installations that stand alone
  • How do you onboard museum- goers?
  • Bring in the scope
  • Can you make it more tangible?
  • Include Rampino’s voice?
  • Think about lighting and sound design (big bang planetarium project dome using theatrical lighting  → digital vs. analog mechanisms)
  • Focus on your metaphors: what is the tablet exactly for AR, is it a “lens”?
  • Interesting to talk about the atmosphere, exploring the “invisible” thing
  • Do you want to provide a physical takeaway?
  • Liked rockwall the most 

DECISION: AR rock wall is the focus!